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“e-barometr” - portal for prognosing possible dangers to enterprises

The “e-barometr” portal is an interactive, comprehensive system for evaluation of the condition and standing for SMEs. The most important task of the system is providing warnings of dangers to the operation of enterprises, which helps implement the appropriate corrective measures without delay. The portal may be used by managerial staff in enterprises, by advisory institutions and organisation monitoring and regulating the labour market.


Streetworking – the first step to the social and vocational integration of the homeless

The streetworking model is a form of support for socially excluded persons outside the social welfare system. Streetworkers work with their charges on an individual basis, thus increasing their chances for social and vocational integration. The tasks of streetworkers include establishing, maintaining and developing contacts with homeless persons who are not staying in social welfare centres, and close cooperation with assistance institutions and intervention services. The model offers a set of tools and procedures helping implement the result.


Results Database Community of Practice Gender Mainstreaming The EQUAL Community Initiative was financed by the European Social Fund and directly by the budgets of the participant states.